Towards the end of last year I stopped drawing. I was gripped with the belief that my efforts were pointless. My imagination had deserted me along with any inclination to put pen to paper. I knew I had to get myself out of that way of thinking but there were so many excuses to cling to in the run up to Christmas.
Now the New Year is here it seems like the perfect time to cast off those shackles and get back to drawing again. To get things started I've initiated a sketchbook project where I re-draw random comic book panels and workout some of those confidence issues that have plagued me.
I'll be posting the results via my
Instagram and
Twitter accounts and collecting them here, along with the original inspirations, on a weekly basis. In an effort to vary the source material I will be taking the panels from books about a comics. This week's panels were all sourced from Trina Robbins'
From Girls to Grrrlz.
Halfway through the week I took delivery Eddie Campbell's Bacchus omnibus and decided to do a panel from the book.
Even thought the panel I choose was just 'a man in a box' it took 3 attempts and one quick sketch to produce something halfway decent.
Quite a productive beginning to the project with a few lessons were learnt along the way. Spare a thought though to the fountain pen gave up the ghost midway through a 'Bacchus' and was consigned to the big pencil case in the sky.